Those With A Net Neutral Contribution to Humanity.

Welcome to the Bandwidth list of those who, by common standards, have made no net contribution to survival of humanity.

Early History

Jesus Christ (c. 4 BCE–30 CE): Central figure in Christianity, whose teachings shaped ethics and morality but whose legacy includes divisive historical interpretations.

Religions: Promote moral frameworks and community cohesion but often linked to suppression of dissent and dogma enforcement. Because on inability in early ages to obtain correct data, they often deduced it and then attributed it to a higher source than man and demanded belief rather than logic to understand it. Those with logic were banished or killed as a result.

Albert Einstein (1879–1955): Revolutionized physics but later regretted contributions to nuclear weapon development. Unfortunately, the brilliance of his deductions covered up some of the mistakes they embodied.

Present Day

NATO (1949–Present): Defensive alliance bolstering security, though often polarizing in global conflicts

Mark Zuckerberg (Present): Enabled global connectivity but criticized for mismanagement of data and misinformation. Leader of social media platforms who routinely blocked freedom of information on his platform then lie about it, but now admits it was a wrong.

Lawyers: using their power to make money by stalling progress

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